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Wooden Dinosaur Puzzles

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Wooden Dinosaur Puzzles 2011-12-05T01:27:43+00:00

Wooden Dinosaur Puzzles

Parents and educators are always quick to point the fascination children have with dinosaurs. Tuzzles™ has brought together the Tuzzles™ famous quality with bright and colorful dinosaur designs perfect for girls and boys who love the exciting prehistoric world of dinosaurs.

Some examples of our Tuzzles Wooden Dinosaur Puzzles:

Tuzzles wooden dual layer 3D Puzzle Stegosaurs DL3D-005Tuzzles wooden dual layer 3D puzzle. Lower layer turns into a 3D Stegosaurus DL3D-005
Tuzzles wooden dual layer 3D Puzzle Allosaurus DL3D-008Tuzzles wooden dual layer 3D puzzle. Lower layer turns into a 3D Allosaurus DL3D-008
Tuzzles wooden dual layer Puzzle T-Rex DL2X2-007Tuzzles wooden dual layer puzzle of a baby T-Red coming out of an egg. DL2X2-007
Tuzzles wooden Tray Puzzle AnkylosaurusTuzzles wooden tray puzzle of an Ankylosaurus. F20-088
Tuzzles giant wooden floor Puzzle Velociraptor Tuzzles wooden tray puzzle of a Velociraptor FL-028